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How has packaging changed in a world led by e-commerce? 

Imagen de Hinojosa Packaging Group EN
Por Hinojosa Editor
11 de October de 2024

Over the last five years, the way we fill our shopping trolleys has evolved at a dizzying pace. Aside from the changes to the criteria that lead us to select one product over another, we have gone from picking items by hand, to clicking. E-commerce has come into our lives and is here to stay. Faced with this scenario in which the supermarket shelf, shop windows and shelves are no longer everything, what is the role of packaging?

In the last four years, internet sales have grown exponentially. In fact, according to data from the Spanish National Markets and Competition Commission (CNMC), these exceeded 20 billion euros in the second quarter of 2023, 12.7% more than in the previous quarter.  

We are moving towards digital and the evidence for this is all around us: in public transport, in the office, in universities and also in shops. In this context, packaging is also changing and becoming an essential element of protection, personalisation and communication. Resilience, sustainability, accessibility, customisation capacity and adaptability to the electronic world are now more important than ever.   

From unboxing to Zero Moment of Truth: packaging to introduce yourself to the world 

When Google introduced the Zero Moment of Truth concept in 2011, we still had a long way to go in terms of digitalisation and e-commerce. However, something had changed. Consumers were no longer making decisions at the point of sale only, something that began a little further back: on the internet.  

Since then, the way we buy products has not stopped evolving and screens are now the most visited supermarket shelf.  

With the emergence of influencers, stories became a letter of introduction to the world for brands. And the unboxing? Another step forward in the experience.  

The colours, the design, the accessories… All of these are part of the user’s first impressions of a brand. This is why clean design, careful printing, quality and sustainability are essential. 

Through small details, customers become prescribers and, thanks to new communication channels, the echo of our brand can cross borders. 

Protecting the experience with the best materials 

The endless possibilities of e-commerce require the best tools to achieve a positive customer experience. These include robust packaging adapted to the needs of the product and, if necessary, accessories for extra protection. In addition, the choice of a user-friendly design that is easy to transport and open, such as our self-adjusting solutions, adds to the quality of the brand and improves the purchaser’s final memory.  

More specifically, certifications such as Amazon’s Frustration Free Packaging, which we have had since 2019, promote this kind of good shipping practice and guarantee that products such as those in our portfolio ensure a satisfactory unboxing experience.  

In the digital age, sustainability goes viral 

However, beyond aesthetics and usability, packaging is key to adding value to a product by minimising its carbon footprint. In fact, according to a study carried out by the European Carton and Cartonboard Manufacturers Association, 79% of Spanish consumers say they would pay more for a product whose packaging has a lower environmental impact. 

Taking this context into account, at Hinojosa Packaging Group we have been committed to sustainability for more than 77 years. As circular natives, we are committed to the revaluation of resources and the use of renewable energies.  

Our products are not only made with the best technology, but are also adapted to their context through the use of recycled and recyclable materials of the highest quality. Through our commitment, we are increasingly reducing our impact by using processes that are respectful of the planet and its peoples.  

Hinojosa is by your side, wherever you may be 

Aware of the importance of providing an agile and rapid response, we are committed to the decentralised management of our 24 plants and, as European leaders in sustainable packaging solutions, we are growing in a conscious and balanced way in order to advance even further. 

Located in Spain, Portugal, France and Italy, our 2,900 employees provide a close and attentive service to the people who place their trust in us, guaranteeing that the order arrives at its destination just in time. 

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