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A step forward in our commitment

Adherence to the United Nations Global Compact

In line with our commitment to sustainable development, at Hinojosa we have signed up to the United Nations (UN) Global Compact. It is the world’s largest CSR initiative, which already includes more than 20,000 organisations in over 160 countries and has 70 local networks.

In line with our clear commitment to the circular economy, the company is committed to complying with the Ten Universally Accepted Principles in the areas of human rights, labour standards, the environment, and good management practices.

Of all the UN Global Compact’s programmes for companies, at Hinojosa we have joined the “Climate Ambition Accelerator”, which allows us to accelerate the path towards carbon neutrality, and the “Early Adopters”, a pilot programme in which companies must apply the new Communication on Progress (CoP) methodology.

Imagen de Grupo Hinojosa EN
Imagen de Grupo Hinojosa EN

Hinojosa joins Companies #ForTheClimate

The path towards decarbonisation that we have taken at Hinojosa has led us to join this initiative, which aims to achieve compliance with the Paris Agreement in Spain and the 2030 Agenda.

We have joined the Companies #ForTheClimate community, which works to implement these goals by encouraging the ambition of companies to curb the climate emergency and move forward together towards decarbonisation.

Hinojosa’s journey towards decarbonisation began in 2017, when we started measuring our carbon footprint. Three years later, in our 2020 strategic plan, we set a target of reducing our carbon footprint by 30%. A target we’ve already exceeded by achieving a 43% reduction, despite the business growth we’ve experienced in recent years.