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Books to teach about sustainability

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Por Hinojosa Editor
18 de December de 2023

Reading opens a door to the imagination, fostering the ability to empathise and express ideas and feelings. For the little ones and also for those of us who are not so little, it helps us discover the world around us. Through reading we can instil values and habits about respecting the environment, encouraging them to take their part in caring for it. Here we recommend eight books to help them grow in their understanding of the fragile nature of the ecosystem around us and our duty to take care of it.

Adapted narratives, pages full of colour, fantasy and drawings for little ones who have taken up reading as one of their first habits, to understand the world they are growing up in. These books build a sense of magical realism in their early years and will be the foundation on which to build their reality in adulthood. For children of all ages, with a variety of themes, the following books are ideal to teach about sustainability: 

1. Story of a Can

  • Author: Begoña Ibarrola 
  • Age: 3 – 5 years 

Synopsis: This is the story of a tin can that kept changing her form: she began life as a tomato can, but then she was used as a ball, a pot and a piggy bank although the tin can changes owner and location, she always ended up feeling happy. 

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2. The Curious Garden

  • Author: Peter Brown 
  • Age: 3 years 

Synopsis: One day, as he was exploring his monotonous, grey city, a curious boy called Liam discovered a struggling garden. He decides to help the plants grow, without imagining what he is about to set in motion. As time passes, the garden gains a life of its own, spreading throughout the city and changing everything in its path. 

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3. The Galinos

  • Author: Luis Amavisca 
  • Age: 4 – 6 years 

Synopsis: Come with us to planet Gala and discover all its wonders: galatrees, galabars and galacomputers… you will also get to know the Galinos, the friendly aliens who are trying to save their planet. 

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4. Not a box

  • Author: Antoinette Portis 
  • Age: 5 – 6 years 

Synopsis: A box is just a box… unless it’s not a box. From mountain to rocket ship, the protagonist shows how a box can go as far as the imagination allows. Recreating her childhood experiences, the author resorts to the treasures of the past: with very little to entertain oneself, the simplest object can turn into the most wonderful toy. 

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5. Once I was a Cardboard box but now I'm a book about polar bears!

  • Author: Anton Poitier 
  • Age: 8+ years 

Synopsis: Do you know what recycling is? And did you know that we can all recycle? Learn to take care of the planet and follow the example of this book which was once a cardboard box, and is now a book about polar bears! 

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6. The Magic Garden: Take a journey through the magical world of nature

  • Author: Lemniscates 
  • Age: 4 – 6 years 

Synopsis: Chloe lives in a magical garden, but she doesn’t know it. Extraordinary things happen there: trees change colour and there are insects that shine like stars. Every corner of this garden reflects the wonders of nature that, although they seem hidden, are within the reach of the curiosity and senses of the protagonist. A poetic book with an ecological outlook. Narrated in the form of a tale, the end includes an informative appendix about different elements of the story. Why does the caterpillar turn into a butterfly? Why are fireflies luminous? How and why do bees dance? Chloe wants to find out more about all these mysteries! 

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7. Wangari's Trees of Peace

  • Author: Jeanette Winter 
  • Age: 5 – 6 years 

Synopsis: Wangari used to live surrounded by trees. As she grows up, massive deforestation begins and Wangari fears that all the forest will soon be destroyed. She decides to plant 9 seedlings and initiate environmental action in favour of reforestation. A true story about the life of Wangari Maathai, who was born in a small village in Kenya and received the Nobel Peace Prize in 2004. 

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8. The Evolution of Calpurnia Tate

  • Author: Jacqueline Kelly 
  • Age: 10 years 

Synopsis: Calpurnia Virginia Tate, Callie Vee, is a young girl who lives in a town in Texas. Despite her mother insisting that she learns to play piano, sew and cook, she is more interested in what’s happening behind the closed door of the library, or in her grandfather’s laboratory. Little by little she wins over this somewhat sullen gentleman and begins to work together with him on his observations of the natural environment. She learns who Darwin is, what species and subspecies are, and how idiotic older siblings become when they fall in love. 

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