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Luxury is now sustainable… even in packaging

Evolution of luxury packaging
Por Hinojosa Editor
20 de December de 2023

The world of luxury is shifting its focus. Although traditionally associated with the ideas of ostentation and exoticism, it is now related to concepts such as slow, local and artisanal, or in other words, sustainable. This environmental trend is here to stay in the industries of fashion, design and architecture... and also in the world of packaging.

We can all envisage one of those architectural projects with bright white walls, immaculate curves and textures blending together; spaces that lead us to silence and exclusivity. If you can imagine such a place, then you can understand the direction in which luxury packaging is heading. This sector wants to reach customers in the same manner as those places, through clean and unobtrusive shapes that store -and protect- a special product.

A new concept of quiet luxury goes even further, wherein packaging is understood as a vehicle to share the story and values of the brand, adding value to the shopping experience, and also responding to consumer expectations in terms of sustainability. For luxury items such as high-quality cosmetics and gourmet products such as wine, this new concept of packaging means caring about quality, design, and also impact. 

Sustainable evolution of luxury packaging

In this respect, the sector shows a growing trend towards solutions with less environmental impact, rejecting over-packaging and embracing simplicity and circularity. It is a transformation that poses many design and production challenges, but it is also an opportunity for the sector to continue working to reverse the social and environmental problems associated with its business model.  

Galería Gráfica: an eco-luxury plant

Sustainability of luxury packaging

Hinojosa’s plant specialising in packaging luxury items –perfumery, cosmetics, wines, spirits, and gourmet foods- is an example of how this eco-spirit is increasingly unfolding in the sector. At the plant, the highest standards of design and sustainability converge, creating a harmonious flow between the packaging and the product, as the packaging is the perfect reflection of the article it contains. 

Since sustainability is already a strategic focus of the company, it is no less important when it comes to premium products and services that require extra care and attention. As part of its commitment, Galería Gráfica supplies both FSC® (FSC-C156109) and PEFC (PEFC/14-35-00375) certified packaging. Moreover, they use undeveloped plates, which do not use chemicals, helping to reduce pollution.  

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