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Our commitments

To customers


We communicate relevant information about our activity through the ECOVADIS, SEDEX, SBTi and CDP platforms in order to contribute to the improvement of social, ethical and environmental practices in our supply chain.

Imagen de Grupo Hinojosa EN
Imagen de Grupo Hinojosa EN


EcoVadis provides a company sustainability rating service offered through a global platform. It covers a wide range of non-financial management systems that include environmental impacts, labour practices and human rights, ethics and sustainable procurement.

Imagen de Grupo Hinojosa EN


The Supply Ethical Data Exchange is a non-profit organisation that promotes ethical and responsible business practices for the development of global supply chains.

Imagen de Grupo Hinojosa EN


The Carbon Disclosure Project requests information on the management of climate change risks and opportunities. It also manages the global disclosure system for investors, companies, cities, states and regions, to help manage their environmental impacts.

Imagen de Grupo Hinojosa EN


The Science Based Targets initiative SBTi drives ambitious climate action in the private sector by enabling companies to set science-based emissions reduction targets.


We innovate to offer our customers packaging solutions that enable them to achieve their goals, but also contribute to being more sustainable and environmentally-friendly.

Imagen de Grupo Hinojosa EN
Imagen de Grupo Hinojosa EN

To people

Stakeholder management is an absolutely essential element in the development of our Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) strategy . We establish a constant dialogue with all actors in the value chain to understand their needs, anticipate new trends, and provide greater added value.

To the Environment

Sustainable value chain management

In line with our firm commitment to the circular economy and the responsible management of resources, at Hinojosa we ensure the sustainable origin of raw materials at all times by implementing chain of custody management systems in 90% of our plants. In addition, we require FSC® certification from our paper and paperboard suppliers.

Imagen de Hinojosa Packaging Group EN
Imagen de Grupo Hinojosa EN

Climate change

As a company we must contribute to the fight against climate change and to the responsible use of resources. In this context, one of our priorities is to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. We do this by promoting the use of renewable energies through projects such as the installation of biomass boilers and solar photovoltaic power plants.

In terms of mobility, we promote energy efficiency through the use of more efficient mobility systems, providing collective transport systems for employees, as well as bicycle racks or electric charging stations. These actions are complemented by IT tools that optimise truck loading and logistics routes.


For production processes linked to the manufacture of paper and cardboard packaging, we have to use water, an absolutely essential resource.

We are therefore keenly aware of the importance of water and we align our sustainability strategy with for it: we have water treatment facilities at our plants and we run numerous initiatives aimed at reusing treated water or implementing systems to minimise water consumption.

Imagen de Grupo Hinojosa EN
Imagen de Grupo Hinojosa EN


Our firm commitment to protecting the environment and reducing our environmental impact is aligned with the Circular Economy Action Plan adopted by the European Commission in 2015. In order to achieve this objective, we reuse 100% of the waste generated in our processes and re-integrate it back into the production process to continue generating value.

We also analyse each process with the intention of minimising the generation of waste at source. When this is not possible for technical and/or economic reasons, we prioritise its recovery by actively collaborating with suppliers.